Be the Donkey

Today I want to talk about mantras and one in particular.

Mantras are designed to help us remember key beliefs we hold close to our heart and can be used to direct our choices.  They are repeated often.  Mantras may also be called “affirmations.”  Sometimes we align ourselves with a leader or group along with their sayings due to a spark being lit within.  We just feel so good and empowered when we share this type of camaraderie.

Mantras can now be dowloaded and listened to via apps on our smart phones.  Their use is often described as putting our mindset in the best place to tackle the day and life.  But what happens when our day doesn’t quite shake out like the phrase we listened to on repeat while brushing our teeth or meditating for the day?  What about that “Promise of God” from the book we read of daily devotions.  Why didn’t God seem to pull through for me today?  We are left to put a spin on what didn’t occur.

One common fitness mantra people continue to repeat to this day is, “No pain, no gain.”  Seriously? Pain is a signal our body sends to alert us to potential danger.  Another saying I used to hear in the gym frequently is, “Pain is weakness leaving the body.”  You get the idea.  There are literally dozens of mantras written and designed to summarize beliefs.  They are the Cliff Notes version of our value systems.

After a period of time we may begin to question these quotes.  An uneasiness begins to creep inside our brain and we may find ourselves trying to determine our location again.  Do I really believe “this”?  At its deepest level what does this even mean?

I’m going out on a ledge here.  In fact, I feel myself at the very precipice and someone is going to apply a gentle push from behind after reading my challenge for the day because I will have touched a relatively sensitive spot.  The other perspective is I’m teetering on the edge in preparation for a “free” fall.  A literally freeing of myself for the need of any type of phrase to shore me up.  In either case, as always, I expect anyone who reads my writing is an adult and can make up their own minds regarding my exploration of ideas. 

For today:  This is me.  I am going to tackle one mantra, dissect it and bury it once and for all.  I hope.  If I don’t, I will begin to question my value and worth as a person….again.  Are you ready?


I have struggled for awhile now since I stopped running with the horses.  Exhaustion took over.  I couldn’t keep up the pace, compete, do whatever it took to become a thoroughbred.  Now I wonder, what does that even mean?  If you’re a donkey, does that mean you are an ass?  Less of a person? Shamed and shameful?  I have been crawling away and hanging my head believing that I have become a donkey.  My personal and professional worth suffered.

Yesterday while on a little exploration in my community I met a woman who began telling me about the properties nearby,  If I kept going down the road, I would meet a couple of cute donkeys.  My excursion expanded to seeing the donkeys and I was not disappointed.  They were miniatures, incredibly sweet and adorable!  Several hours later I was still thinking about those donkeys and the mantra telling me I didn’t want to become one.  So I did what any curious person would do, pulled out my smart phone, initiated search and voila’!  I discovered why I DO WANT TO BE A DONKEY!  Here is what I learned from two great articles.  

The first article is “14 Reasons Why a Donkey is the Ideal Hiking Companion” on a website I found called “The Hiking life.Com

“2.  Donkeys have an acute sense of self-preservation and are a good judge of whether or not a situation is potentially dodgy.  It’s nigh on impossible to persuade a donkey to take a route or path that they consider dangerous.

3.  Donkeys have great memories.  They are said to be able to recognize areas where they have previously been up to 25 years before.  A very useful quality while route-finding in challenging terrain.

4.  …..donkeys are widely considered to be the Chuck Norris of the Equidae family.

5.  They may be harder than a coffin nail, but donkeys are also playful, kind, and fiercely loyal through thick and thin.

8.  …..donkeys can make good guard animals.  They are quite territorial by nature and less skittish than horses….

10.   Donkeys are humble and historically under-appreciated…..”

From the website

“They are highly intelligent creatures, sociable, calm, capable of independent thinking and decision making.  They are strong and won’t do something they consider unsafe, which makes them a great, trusted companion.  Donkeys are quite simply amazing.”

There are many articles and blogs about why you want donkeys in your life!  There are reasons and situations donkeys are BETTER than horses.  So maybe, just maybe I want to become a donkey.


Maybe you can be both.  Perhaps as we dig deeper into my premise of the need or dismissiveness for mantras comes from the way they are written.  “Don’t be a donkey; be a thoroughbred” is an either/or situation.  It would appear you can’t be both.  The old nothing is grey philosophy.  Living in an either/or world doesn’t work for me in many situations.  Yes, I do believe there are absolute truths.  Even as I type I find myself wrestling with how to express myself.  Examination is good.  Questioning is profitable.  Listening to the inner nudge moves us to growth.  My thoughts (some will say disguised as advice) for today is when you begin to feel unsettled, unworthy, uneasy inside become curious.  The minute we think we have all of life wrapped up and tied with a bow, it begins to fall apart.  We will meet someone whose life is beautiful to behold but doesn’t entirely align with our “package” of beliefs.  What then?

Are there any mantras you need to examine?  No longer fit like that well-tailored suit you once strutted around in?  Time to shed some beliefs proving themselves not quite true any more?

I have accomplished my personal task for the day which was to bury the Donkey/Thoroughbred mantra once and for all.  I’m happy being a donkey.  Sometimes I’m off and running full speed too.  Be both.  Be YOU.    

Rising from the Ashes

As I begin to resurrect an old notion of finding a fulfilling life through celebrating the ordinary, the image of a Phoenix comes to mind. My basic knowledge regarding the Legend of the Phoenix is that of a magnificent bird which ascends out of a pile of ashes. Its size is massive. Its feathers are gloriously brilliant. Its strength overpowering. Most of us like a good comeback story with all the accompanying emotions. The Phoenix is a comeback story at another level.

The Legend of the Phoenix varies among cultures with the mythical creature living anywhere from 500 to 540 years. There is only ONE Phoenix in each story. When it becomes exhausted, the Phoenix will build a nest, set it on fire, or wait for the sun to come and burn everything up. Out of the ashes rises the new Phoenix. I’m not sure if the Phoenix actually “does” anything in particular. It seems to be more symbolic of rebirth, hope and renewal.

My original “From the Ordinary” blog is approximately 13 years old at best. I still have another 487 years to go according to the legend. Yet, I’m exhausted. There are days I feel like gathering twigs, piling them around me and waiting for something supernatural to come along and burn it all up. I’m not sure I’m brave enough to set it ablaze myself. Maybe I’m too tired to light the match.

I have found myself reflecting on the past 13 years and my attempt to live an “Extraordinary” Life. If I’m honest, I’ve probably dedicated all of my 62 years at some level of consciousness in this pursuit. I think it’s a cultural phenomenon transcending all areas of our lives. It’s not just for the entrepreneur, employee, mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, neighbor or religious person. Being Extraordinary seeks out every soul on Earth. It permeates us. Just like two sides of a coin, you have the Ordinary Life and the Extraordinary Life. Most days you toss your hours up into the air and the coin lands Ordinary side up. Sigh.

Personal development gurus don’t want you to toss the coin. Put it in your pocket! Here is where becoming mildly tired begins. Mantras like: “Live Your Best Life”, “Leave a Legacy”, “What Impact Will You Bring to the World”, “Love Well,” etc. abound. Now before I lose you completely, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have lived a life that makes a difference, change someone’s life for the better, or leave behind a light for others to follow. What I’m talking about is the complete EXHAUSTION of CHASING it 24/7. That’s right. Even in your sleep. It begins its insidious nature by asking you to write down a few goals . Not any “Ordinary” goals. They should be goals that will blow up the world with magnificent glory. Extraordinary goals. Maybe you can’t relate to this and are ready to reach for your mouse to click on the next internet story or sensation.

Or…..maybe, you can relate and desperately whisper inside, “She gets me. Someone finally understands this place I can’t seem to claw my way out of.” Maybe you are that mom whose efforts are Herculean in trying to raise extraordinary children so they can compete on the playing field, in the classroom and future boardrooms. You sacrifice everything for their lives and find yourself looking for the strength to get through tomorrow. Maybe you are the entrepreneur trying to develop the next program, discover the next edge to create over your competitor, spending hours chasing vision and goals and financial success. You fall into bed exhausted most days. You’ve sacrificed moments of pleasure, hobbies and rest. It feels like there is a spark threatening to burn it all up so you run from water to extinguisher trying to save everything you have spent a lifetime building. Or, maybe you beat yourself up spiritually because you always fall short. Surely you are the worst of all. You sit in a memorial service and hear these words “He/She loved their family well.” You read on social media, “My husband loves our family well.” Even as I type these words Something clutches at my heart wondering, “Just what does that even mean?”

Maybe it’s time to rebirth my outlook on life as well as this blog . As I think about the potential outcomes from allowing a fire to touch some things in my life, I find a sense of relief. I am able to see why the Phoenix legend is important. The concept of hope stirs a kind of energy-giving peace. It might seem dichotomous to return to the Ordinary with the image of a majestic Phoenix. Yet, its symbolic nature of new beginnings leave an ember inside my heart. Hope. There is no other word like it to give strength for tomorrow.

From the Ordinary rises today.

Note: Here is the link I found regarding the Legend of the Phoenix. I can’t wait to celebrate more Ordinary moments with you in the coming days.